Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Closing Out

It is Tuesday evening, and I am exhausted! I over did it a little in the last two days. Eric and I celebrated the 4th of July with our house church. We had a great time hiking in the Gorge and watching the fireworks in Hood River, Oregon. Then today we went to the Oregon Zoo.

We have started saying goodbye to friends now, and that is hard for me. I am so excited to go, yet I am sad about leaving friends. Friends are like family for me, and I am reluctant to accept change. I am thankful for the time off of work to get the chance to have quality time with so many of my loved ones here in Portland. Every day from now until we leave there is some kind of event in place where we will be saying goodbye to people we love. The closure is good though, and it is getting very exciting.

With each day the reality of leaving Portland for more than a vacation becomes more real. It seems like I should have something inspirational to say to all of my friends, but when we hang out there is nothing profound to say. I have not had the life changing experience yet... I feel prepared and ready for this adventure. The unexpected will happen, but we are blessed with such an amazing community in the DR that I am not scared. That is a big answer to prayer. Fear is an emotion that has been a huge part of my life since I was young. But at this point in my life I am experiencing confidence and hope more than fear. I am confident that we are doing the right thing. I am confident that God will provide for our needs. I am confident that our friends and family will not abandon us. I am hopeful for the impact this adventure will have on our lives. I am hopeful for the impact we will have on the community we are entering. I am hopeful for my future, for our future.

Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this change of attitude and perspective!

1 comment:

  1. You could almost photoshop Bentley into the group photo. ;-)
