Monday, July 11, 2011


I'm currently on my first flight to JFK, though this'll get posted once I find connection. I popped Mumford & Sons in the earbuds, a somewhat moody Scottish folk-hipster band. I wanted to just sit on this first flight and feel my feelings. Mums is just the thing tonight.

By this time my beloved P-town with my beloved friends and family are more than just a few miles to my posterior. The physical location I can leave... It's not afforded me much by way of employment in the education industry, and I look forward to this opportunity to re-enter the classroom. It's the people I'm gonna miss.

I got a little freaked out on Thursday as I said goodbye to our house church conglomeration... I was thinking I was leaving the people. I've been thinking about that the past few days... I think that I'm flying away from bodies, but I'm NOT flying away from relationships. The difference is huge. Many of my Portland relationships are the forever kind!

As we were planning to leave were spoke with another couple who cautioned us not to go somewhere simply to run away from the life we had in Portland. I was sruggling with things at the clinic, and they had been hearing our frustrations. But this move is not a running away... It's a running towards. The feelings of unrest were spot on because there was something coming that we would never dreamed of had we been perfectly content. We spent a lot of time praying and searching on this one. La Vega/Santiago is where we are supposed to be.

So I guess the emotions are mixed. The sad stuff happened this past week: the goodbyes are over. What we have in front of us is the excitement of saying hello. I guess we'll mostly be saying hola, but you know what I mean ;0)

1 comment:

  1. Did you have any trouble with the one way airline tickets? I'm going to be applying for my student visa after I arrive in DR and I was wondering if I can get away with a one way! Also which airline? Thanks :)
