Monday, June 4, 2012

Last Hurrahs, Swimming!

We have just one week left here on the island and so it is time that I am having my last hurrahs! On Sat. I went to Casa Club and had a great day swimming with the youth I have been spending a ton of time with over the last year. We were also celebrating the recovery of my good friend Yasoni! She had a terrible accident on her scooter and was unable to walk for a long time. She had 3 surgeries and by the grace of God is now able to walk and tomorrow will be returning to work! She has been a great blessing to me! It is great to have a girl friend who can listen and understand and then comfort and encourage me.

So to those who helped us have this special day thank you very much!

In the weeks to come we will be giving away many belongings and having at least one more special outing with the family who I spend most of my time with. Alberto, Milagros and their 3 kids will come with us to relax at Rancho Baiguate where we can swim, eat, play ping pong and billiards.

As we prepare for this transition there are a lot of emotions... I am excited to go home and scarred not knowing what will happen, will we find work? will I get to have my dog with me? Will I stay in touch with my friends in the DR will is all just fade away? Can I really be a good fundraiser and PR person for TEARS? Will I make a difference?

The one thing I know is that God has been very faithful!

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