Kisha and I are back in the US. We've spent the last few days meeting with family & friends and unpacking our junk at Bryan & Crystal's place. Everybody has been wonderfully warm so far, and we hope to see everyone sooner than later. If you want to get together please Facebook one of us and we can set up a time and place.

It's cooler than we've had for 11 months, so we're still adjusting to climate. Kisha is currently taking a hot bath in an attempt to raise her body heat to a functional level, and I must admit that I'm colder than usual. The roads are unbelievably smooth, and the cars unbelievably nice. I have to be careful not to go too fast in these ideal driving conditions, though I wish more people would communicate through honking... it's simply the best way to get the job done :0)

There is food EVERYWHERE. Not just any food or a lot of food, but a good variety of healthy food can be found in most stores. It's like I've died and gone to nutrient heaven! Salad options, veggie options, and I even got hooked up with a VERY nice organic breakfast omelette from Beaverton's Farmer's Market. I confess I've had some meat since returning home, but finding veggies aplenty won't be too hard as we transition back to our nutritarian diet.
It has been both happy and sad coming back. It's nice to be back in the states, and it's been great to see the people I love and spend time with them. It's also a bit sad because of all the people we left, and we don't exactly have the future all planned out. I'm figuring out what the next step is for me in career and occupation. I am glad to be back in Portland for this refining process, and I'm sure I'll have need of the people who love me as I look for a sounding board. I cannot close my eyes and think my way to the next stage; I can only close my eyes and pray for the right people and opportunities to come in my life. I trust God will provide, and I am excited to see how He will do it this time.

My Grandad has seen his share of transitions and career changes. He's worked as a migrant farmer, farmer of other people's land, crop-duster, dairyman, and car wash owner. If the lord can bring him through, I guess I'll be alright :0)
This will be our last post for this blog. Our work with TEARS will continue, but we'll be posting those updates on Facebook. Since we're not living in the DR the title is now dated. Thank you for all the support for the last year!
Wish we could get together. Praying for you and such a huge transition. love and miss you both