I know that waiting isn't supposed to kill anybody, but it might do away with my wife and I. We've mostly wrapped things up, and the only thing left is to clean out the apartment and put the final touches on packing. Not sure what we'll be doing with the next week, but I sure wish I had a good book.
We're in the last couple of days of school, but because of the awkward weirdness that comes from working towards two different diplomas, some of the kids grades had to be turned into the Dominican government 3 or 4 days ago. That means we've had a week where we can't take anything for grading. It's frustrating a boreing for teachers and students alike, as if we needed to feel more like we're playing education. Whatever. Two more days, and then a couple teacher days, and we can officially close this one out.
I'm tired. I knew I would be, and I usually am at the end of a school year, but I'm usually a different kind of tired. It's usually more like crazy busy tired rather than not having anything to do. It takes a lot of energy to do nothing.
The Good Lord is still with me, so that's something. Hug you all when I get back!
I know it must not be easy but with all this time on your hands you have plenty of time to read the Word and pray. By the time you get here you will be a super saint! It will be awesome to have you both at home.