Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Set Up

The adventure keeps drawing nearer and I am so excited. It is now official that I will be working as a missionary through TEARS. My specific responsibilities have not yet been defined but I know they will keep me busy! My vision is to mentor young school age girls helping them to dream and see the value of their lives. Also I will continue to mentor the couple of teenage girls I have maintained a relationship with over the last 10 years. I am praying that God will help me to dive into deep foundation establishing relationships with these girls as they transition to adulthood and need to have the confidence to resist the trappings of poverty. As the Dominican Republic develops there are more and more opportunities and I see myself as a guide for these young women to learn how to rely on God while being more self-sufficient.

Along with these personal ministries I will be serving in an administrative roll for TEARS in general. TEARS is a faith-based nonprofit that depends on individual donations (for more information check out I won't have a salary but will be raising my support. Thankfully God has provided a paying job for Eric and I only need to raise $600 a month in on going support.

As part of our ministry vision Eric and I are hoping to be able to live in La Vega so that I will be close to the community that I will be serving. This desire comes with a financial cost. We will need to get an apartment and furnish it with the normal things, but in the DR apartments do not come with appliances! That is why will are looking for $5000 in initial set up expenses. We will also need to purchase a vehicle so Eric can commute to Santiago Christian School, where he will be working.

If you would like to give to this ministry you may give online or through the mail. To make an online donation go to and follow the instructions. To give through standard mail please make checks payable to TEARS and put "Children of Light" in the subject line. The stateside address is:
3614 NE 50th Avenue
Portland, OR 97213

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