It's weird to think that God might lead us to a place where we might struggle. I know we say that it's not that weird because we're supposed to, but deep down inside it seems somehow off-kilter. How could God lead me somewhere uncomfortable? Jesus is supposed to make me feel good, and then I tell other people about how good it feels and then they join in and we all just feel good... right?
I looked around a bit and couldn't find a verse that says following Jesus is gonna be a easy ride on the gravy train. Actually, there's way more discussion going the other direction, but I'd rather not talk about that right now. As some of you know I've been struggling to keep my head on straight and in the game down here in the DR. I have better days and worse days, but in general I'm having a hard time with all the limitations I'm experiencing in life. It's not the birthday parties like you see below, and it's not the showing up to support a kid's soccer game like above, it's the general lifestyle things that I miss from Portland... family and friends... food carts... restaurants... walking around at night time... understanding most people... offering help to people that need a hand... quiet neighborhoods... just the little things that I didn't know I'd be leaving in the US.
Please pray for me if you get a chance... I feel okay right now, but because of how raucous my students are I have a a lot of variables when it comes to emotional state of being. I want to be here because I believe that God sent me here, but I'm currently having a hard time understanding why. I need God's focus and a serious change of attitude!
I miss your smiling face, but believe you're where you are supposed to be. We don't always know why and you may never know why, but you are doing Kingdom work even if it is uncomfortable right now. We love you.