Last week I made bagels with two of my boys. They had a blast working the dough and then eating their creation. I have never been much of a baker myself but this was a blast. I have learned how to make all kinds of creations from scratch. I have an Indian food recipe that I make and we love it. There is also a shrimp pineapple dish that tastes like Zab Thai!
Aside from cooking I have been trying to see what my place here is? There are so many needs that my usual rule of seeing the need means I should do something about it can not apply. I came here thinking that I was suppose to start a mentoring ministry that focused on young children and tried to have adults stick with them for a few years. Now I am thinking that that dream while it sounds good it just won't happen here. There are not enough healthy adults to start a real program. So where does that leave me...
I have a relationship with Yuli who is about to have a baby. She is 18 and figuring out life. I have a young boy who is 14 that has stolen my heart. I have friends who are leaders in the church. My closest friend from when I was in the internship here has moved back to the barrio and she is seeking God. These people will be my mission. I will love them and try to empower them to be the change they want to see in their community. TEARS is a relational focused ministry. We purposely do not engage in programs, I will not tie myself to a program. If the door opens for an official mentorship I will be very excited but I will not force it.
I am also committed to helping TEARS become more financially stable. I have never been an official fundraiser until now but I believe in this ministry and hope I am able to communicate the vision, mission, and impact TEARS is having on the community here in La Vega, Dominican Republic and beyond.
My prayer in recent years has become, "Lord, show me what is mine to do and free me from that which is not." I also think I need to solve everyone's problems and meet every need. It's not practical and results in soul fatigue, nor do I believe God calls us to that. We each have a purpose and a mission, we just have to be open to that calling and believe there are others who are called to do the work we are not.