As you might have guessed, the school year has started. Among other things the school year beginning means I can't hang out on facebook & blogger as much as I'd like. My sincerest apologies to anyone who feels kicked to the curb!
It's really nice to be a teacher again. I like spending my days with young people, and I'm mostly adjusted to the schedule. In many ways SCS is just like the other schools I have graced with my presence. In others, it's very different. They have a classic 43 minute class period, 8 periods a day, and 30 minute lunches. It reminds me of when I was in school. On the other hand this is the first place I've been unable to project over the sound of the class. The combination of loud students, loud ceiling fans, and super-solid surfaces (walls and ceiling of concrete, floors of ceramic tile) makes it a great deal tougher than I've ever had it. I put in earplugs during my prep period just to regain centeredness.
We're still having a good time in La Vega. Things are starting to feel normal... we have a few favorite restaurants, ice cream, frozen yogurt, and I know how to get to most of these places (which is the key). I can also get to the hardware store, furniture store, the electric company, phone company, multiple markets and at least a couple outdoor parks. Those are not things I thought would be hard to remember, but it took a while to get it all sorted out. It's a great deal easier getting around La Vega on a motorcycle than it is in a car, that's for sure. The narrow streets and crazy amount of motorcycles makes SUV's just not the ideal thing.
Keep praying for us, if you don't mind. I have a couple classes that need some discipline/encouragement (aren't those like the same thing?) that will involve a call home. I suppose it was inevitable, but I always hate to have to do it. 3 weeks and no detentions so far... I must be loosing my edge :0)
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