Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Irene gave us 2 days off!

Irene was exciting to hear about since it was our first hurricane. No one in La Vega seemed worried about the event and we did not find out about it until Sun night around 8 when we received a call letting us know that school was canceled. It reminded me of my time working at McKay Elementary school. We would cancel school for a dusting of snow... Well there was just rain and a few wind gusts. Mostly we just hung out inside with friends cooking eating and having fun. Eric got a lot of planing and grading work done. The second day off was very nice out and I walked to the barrio and watched a movie with a family.

Oddly enough today we have sustained winds of over 13 miles an hour with lots of rain, worse than anything we saw with Irene and Eric is going to work... hmmm

So you may wonder how this is because stateside school would not be canceled like this. Well here the ministry of education decides and he canceled school for the whole island for those two days. The school districts do not decide there is one guy who decides for the whole island.

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