Friday, August 12, 2011

So Many Animals, So Little Touching

I doubt many will be surprised by what I am about to say, because we all know I have the barely controllable desire to make friends with animals.

In my neighborhood there are 3 horses, and 1 is a baby. There are a zillion dogs. Cats are everywhere, as well as kittens, puppies, chickens AND on the way to Rod’s house there are often baby cows!!!!! (vacacitos ) The sad part is I don’t get to touch any of them. Thankfully Rod has 3 dogs and 5 puppies that I can play with!

My photos are from the Travasia which is a mountain village where we have a church plant. Thankfully I got to pet both horses, ride the white one and play with Chiquito, Moreno and Tigua's dog.


  1. I would like to just take a moment to point out that "vacacito" isn't really a word in Spanish... She's making it up, people!

  2. I like it better than vecero... and I am finding out which animals are safe to pet and which are not. The funny thing here is that most people do not pet their animals. This causes some strange looks at times. Like when I went and touched the neighborhood horse. People came out of their houses and stared at me. I was then offered 2 different dogs that day because I know have a reputation.
