Thursday, May 31, 2012


I know that waiting isn't supposed to kill anybody, but it might do away with my wife and I. We've mostly wrapped things up, and the only thing left is to clean out the apartment and put the final touches on packing. Not sure what we'll be doing with the next week, but I sure wish I had a good book.

We're in the last couple of days of school, but because of the awkward weirdness that comes from working towards two different diplomas, some of the kids grades had to be turned into the Dominican government 3 or 4 days ago. That means we've had a week where we can't take anything for grading. It's frustrating a boreing for teachers and students alike, as if we needed to feel more like we're playing education. Whatever. Two more days, and then a couple teacher days, and we can officially close this one out.

I'm tired. I knew I would be, and I usually am at the end of a school year, but I'm usually a different kind of tired. It's usually more like crazy busy tired rather than not having anything to do. It takes a lot of energy to do nothing.

The Good Lord is still with me, so that's something. Hug you all when I get back!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Just two days ago I was thinking to myself, wow I am feeling good and I haven't been sick for like 3 weeks. I hope I can stay healthy for the last 3 weeks of my time here...


Today I am not feeling very well and took a five hour nap.

I don't know why I got sick. It could be the not so wonderful diet I enjoyed while at the beach or the night of missed sleep in an uncomfortable hotel room, or the day I spent in the barrio yesterday. Who knows. I just want to finish strong.

Monday, May 14, 2012


Poverty surrounds me not just the I can't go out to the movies but the ALL we have to eat is rice or I wish we had rice kind of poverty. The water has not made it to my street so I can't flush the toilet. My kid isn't growing and there is no electricity, three to a be and 80 degrees at night with mosquitoes pecking at me hope I don't get dengue fever poverty. My only pass-time is gossip and anger and somehow I have $ to get drunk. This is the poverty that surrounds me. The streets flood and we all lock ourselves in for the night hoping for sun in the morning. Just this week I sat in a house where the grandma was/is doing her best to care for her grand kids while one of her daughters bickers and fights like an eleven year old only she is at least 30. The swatting and cursing becomes abusive after you pass a certain age and your victims remain younger and younger. 

But I see hope in a 15 year old's eyes. He is going to make it. Determination that he will not be a slave in poverty. Strength and tenderness, affection and love. He will over come and change the cycle. No aunt will ever hit his child while they sit playing at the table.

Innocent Lives

Eric and I have started reading Philippians together. I thought I would share my reflections on Chapter 2.

What does it mean to live innocent lives? Does it mean to steer clear of vices that are taboo in our culture? I have to believe that it has more to do with how we treat each other. the context of this chapter is all about humility and unity. Have I really emptied myself? Given up my rights for what is good?! Do I complain and argue removing innocence from my life?

Living outside of the American individualism shows me just how far I have to go before I can really understand what it means to empty myself and not claim my rights so that others can know God the Father.


Sunday, May 6, 2012


Waiting, passing time, filling space these are hard things for me to do. I like to feel purposeful. I like to have a mission. I am not the most patient person, especially if my patience needs to be applied to time. Today is 5 weeks and 2 days from when we will be leaving for Portland and I can not believe that it has only been one week since Eric posted his blog! Although a lot has happened in this week. Namely I had an interview with an employer I would really like to work for. BUT now I have to WAIT, PASS TIME, AND FILL SPACE for two big events, the moving date and getting a call letting me know if I have a job or not. You can imagine the tension. I am trying to focus my energy in a positive way and get out and visit people. Also I am attempting to exercise in some fashion every day. Last weekend was great going and relaxing in the mountains. Next weekend we may have a practice packing day!