We're doing reasonably well, all things considered. As you might have noticed, Kisha usually has a great deal more time to blog. My once-a-week ambition seems like a thing of the past, but today I feel suddenly motivated to write.
We're fast approaching Christmas, but it doesn't really seem like it. Without American family and friends nearby the holiday takes on a different flavor. Our neighbors have been celebrating since the beginning of December... lots of dominoes and loud music that goes well past 10pm, my self-appointed bed time. Last night, while I was trying to ignore the fact that I'm sick, a next door neighbor had a live Christmas concert with a guy who really shouldn't be given a microphone. Ever.
At the same time we've been blessed with good friends down here, who don't hesitate to eat meals with us and go out for ice cream. Below is a photo of our neighborhood friendly fruit stand guy, who keeps us in good shape with sweet papaya, pineapple, banana and juices, while introducing us to new fruit that I've never seen before.
God is good to us, even when we feel lonely and homesick. I just heard about a daughter of a friend who was teaching overseas and had to go back to the states emergency-style. I feel blessed that I haven't had any trouble with health or bandits here, which would be something of a show-stopper. I'm two days away from a three week break, and the rain has finally come so that I can at least enjoy some cloudy days :0)
Christmas isn't the same without ya'll either. Monday Night Posse had their Christmas party last night and I kept looking for you. You are loved and missed. Enjoy your break!