This is my first day without working and it feels great! It means I made it to the home stretch and all that is left for me to do is enjoy my friends, family and favorite places in Portland! I am a college graduate now from PCC. This is a huge accomplishment for me. I started taking classes 10 years ago so it was a long slow road. I am not sure what my academic future looks like but I do know I am taking a one year break so that Eric and I can enjoy some time together and settle into our new life.
Some things I am looking forward to are hiking and photographing my home city. I have started an online gallery for my photography. I will be selling my photos so please think of me when you need a gift or greeting cards. I will have photos of the great outdoors in Oregon and of my life in the Dominican Republic.
Fundraising update- we are only $210 away from being fully funded in our monthly support. As for the one time gifts that will help us to buy a vehicle we have only received $350 so far. That is not much towards a car there so we are praying that people are moved to give in both areas.
Congrats on finishing school and work! I need to measure you for new PJ bottoms. ;-)